Sunday Aug 25, 2024
Sunday Aug 25, 2024
The Wyrd Mountain Gals Show
"It's the Sports Response"
Airs Sunday 8-25-24 7pm EST
Byron doesn't want to camp on the ground anymore, Joe inadvertently names the podcast, and Alicia falls into the YouTube rabbit-hole. They find out that they were both in love with Jacques Cousteau. The subjects are wide-ranging with at least one trigger warning, maybe more. Not too many crows though! We hope you enjoy this episode.
TRIGGER WARNING!! Sexual deviancy discussed and who knows what else? Don't listen if you are sensitive to strangeness and/or worldly topics.
When False Fall Visits The South: https://youtu.be/97bGA99wufQ
FULL SPEECH - Hillary Clinton: https://youtu.be/Iwpttgh2kRY?si=eNhUyWU0E-gNQTd4
FULL SPEECH - Michelle Obama: https://youtu.be/Dor2sNHwqXc?si=UDhUn7uyYUXzdvlH
FULL SPEECH - Barack Obama: https://youtu.be/cPc-Wi-D_Zs?si=seW24kM74XSwpf-Y
Humans age dramatically at two key points in their life, study finds: https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/20/health/dramatic-human-aging-scli-intl-wellness
No, the Maya did not predict the end of the world on 21 June 2020: https://www.syfy.com/syfy-wire/no-the-maya-did-not-predict-the-end-of-the-world-on-21-june-2020
List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_dates_predicted_for_apocalyptic_events
In the Bible, Matthew 24:36 says, "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only". This verse is about when the Son of Man will come, and it compares it to the days of Noah. In Noah's time, people were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage until the day the flood came and took them all away. The verse says that when the Son of Man comes, it will be similar, and that people will not know what will happen until it happens.
Alicia & Byron's list of things to watch if your insomnia won't go away:
ABANDONED 1800’s Farmhouse With EVERYTHING Left Behind: https://youtu.be/kgvJD9pKl5Q?si=806UMxunaHzr7d9l
100 TOP LIVE CAMS around the world! | SkylineWebcams: https://www.youtube.com/live/_Tf7ImIRBeM?si=serf20thcpiAQ5Uv
Where's George Bill Tracking My Bills With Hits: https://youtu.be/ZNVu_-o8zao?si=JI9Ur460gv1ZLQFD
South Carolina Tin Flipping for Snakes! Finding Copperheads and Rattlesnakes Under Cover!:
Torrential Rain uncovers Fantastic Finds that I need your help with. Mudlarking the Thames -July 2023: https://youtu.be/_SvALLwAcAQ?si=8cvZ6DrHCCMHO3lU
Outhouse Diggers: https://youtu.be/L4p4Y_EnX3Q?si=hl3D5QB46gz8zYc4
Absolutely Amazing What we Found Magnet Fishing in the River: https://youtu.be/ZuUrAC2vDSI?si=FcQFO54WHBkyYe5P
I found my BIGGEST diamond ring ever metal detecting at the beach!: https://youtu.be/hITg691YdZc?si=Er91Hm48rKOL7ifo
Finding THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS While Magnet Fishing!!! **FULL SAFE**: https://youtu.be/_74Drs4T6vA?si=EImjHCovObVFiQfF
The Undersea World Of Jacques Cousteau All Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqik2JEkKL7VrqI4quw32uz5Fnx54r38J&si=ecxNRTNrFQk5rBYN
OUT OF THIS WORLD - Galaxy Acrylic Pour: https://youtu.be/Yu24V7vWt5Q?si=STZVgrkQPjOy5pkT
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
Sunday Aug 18, 2024
The Wyrd Mountain Gals ShowEpisode Airs Sunday 08-18-24 7pm ESTDreams, Omens, Tower, Star Part 1Episode Airs Sunday 8-18-24 7pm EST
Byron's getting ready to go to the Appalachian Herb Fest with a brand new set of classes and you can hear the happiness in her voice as she talks about it. The talk moves at a good cli, with topics ranging from the Tower to the Star and lots of good stuff in between. We hope you enjoy this episode!
Appalachian Herb Fest: https://www.wisteria.org/herbfest/
Oliver Anthony My 1 year Update since Rich Men North of Richmond : https://youtu.be/hv6jgW5jObw?si=_OfygIkzjY7H7WtJ
Lake Eden Arts Festival: https://theleaf.org/
John C. Campbell Folk School https://www.folkschool.org/
Affinity group: a group of people who share a common interest or goal and belong to it either formally or informally.
A Short History of the Rise, Fall and Rise of Subliminal Messaging: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/a-short-history-of-the-rise-fall-and-rise-of-subliminal-messaging/
Miranda Lambert - Mama's Broken Heart: https://youtu.be/7yg05svXp98?si=OGZyG1b94uJpBdl-
Monday Aug 12, 2024
Monday Aug 12, 2024
The Wyrd Mountain Gals ShowA Pig Holder and HopeEpisode airs Sunday 8-11-24 7pm EST
Well alrighty then, there's alot packed into this episode. The gals are stoked about some things, jaded about some things, & angry about some things. We find out why Byron quit her job.
*Note-Byron has started verbally crowing herself out! It's how she saves Alicia time.
See if you can guess which words go together.
****Big Ole TRIGGER WARNING here: politics, animal cruelty, human stupidity, general pessimism (gloom despair and agony on me)
Pig Holder: https://www.businessinsider.com/tim-walz-midwinspiron 15estern-dad-kamala-harris-2024-8
Byron's Blog: www.MyVillageWitch.com
Turkish sharpshooter Yusuf Dikec takes the internet BY STORM at the Paris Olympics: https://youtu.be/LvXwXKjIP0A?si=Xk8RQePs3Q4clV3q
This Pole Vaulter Lost a Medal But Somehow Won the Olympics: https://www.facebook.com/share/v/yvsiwFxiieZ8Hoh5/
King Arthur sculpture, Cornwal: https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fvebzlednttp61.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3D42da7f88b42a74f295d4c8724ec9ecd5b3297afa
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
Sunday Aug 04, 2024
The Wyrd Mountain Gals Show"The Traveler Returns Home" Part 2Episode airs Sunday 8-4 2024
The gals have so much to talk about that it stretches to 2 episodes
Part 2The stories continue on....The beer was better but Byron still drank P&G Tips tea while she was travelling. They even get into politics a little (nobody's surprised about that!)
**TRIGGER WARNING** These episodes can get pretty rough and scary, especially the subjects of politics & AI. Probably best if you didn't listen to it. ;-)
Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nineteen_Eighty-Four
Drew Lynch - Being Married To Someone With ADHD: https://youtu.be/v3I0YsfMJS8?si=SYt9ar0JHo6lfS_x
Trae Crowder - The Liberal Redneck "Porch Rants": https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL45Mc1cDgnsB-u1iLPBYNF1fk-y1cVzTJ&si=w0mBgThZcVFmDqby
Matt Mitchell: https://www.youtube.com/@alostrich/featured
COVID Data Tracker: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#datatracker-home
North Carolina Respiratory Virus Summary Dashboard: https://covid19.ncdhhs.gov/dashboard
Part 1Byron is back and full of......stories about her trip (what were you thinking?) There's so much to unpack since she left & not just her suitcase. Alicia wants to know everything. Every. Thing. From there they turn to what's going on in the US since she left & are introduced to the idea of the downed tower. The episode ends on a cliffhanger when Alicia announces that she bought something....
**TRIGGER WARNING** This episode got pretty rough and scary, especially the subjects of politics & AI. Probably best if you didn't listen to it. ;-)
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
Sunday Jul 28, 2024
The Wyrd Mountain Gals Show"The Traveler Returns Home" Part 1Episode airs Sunday July 38 2024
The gals have so much to talk about that it stretches to 2 episodes
Byron is back and full of......stories about her trip (what were you thinking?) There's so much to unpack since she left & not just her suitcase. Alicia wants to know everything. Every. Thing. From there they turn to what's going on in the US since she left & are introduced to the idea of the downed tower. The episode ends on a cliffhanger when Alicia announces that she bought something....
**TRIGGER WARNING** This episode got pretty rough and scary, especially the subjects of politics & AI. Probably best if you didn't listen to it. ;-)
RenAdventures: https://www.renadventures.com/
The Museum of Witchcraft and Magic: https://museumofwitchcraftandmagic.co.uk/
Bodmin Moor: https://www.visitcornwall.com/regions/bodmin-moor
Jamaica Inn: https://www.jamaicainn.co.uk/
St Necktan's Glen: https://www.st-nectansglen.co.uk/
Mên-an-Tol: https://cornishancientsites.com/ancient-sites/men-an-tol/
Dozmary Pool: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dozmary_Pool
The Lost Gardens of Heligan: https://www.heligan.com/
Alicia's art photos: https://www.instagram.com/gtfoi/
Sunday Jul 21, 2024
Sunday Jul 21, 2024
It's Not StandardOriginal Episode Aired Sunday, 1-8-23 7pm ESTRecap: Sunday 7-21-24 7pm EST
The gals are feisty, oh so feisty. We find out that Byron doesn't care much about....barbeque AND Chili (gasp). Byron talks about her upcoming trip to Scotland and we learn that her upcoming festival calendar is even busier than last year.
Byron's favorites: Onions, garlic, peppers, cabbage all sauteed together with alot of black pepper ground up in it
Firm tofu toss with peanut butter and then toss in steamed broccoli. sometimes i chop up onion in that too.
Get a brie. Put a dollop of some kind of jam with it & put it in the oven till it gets soft.
Nabor's Drive In - https://www.tripadvisor.com/Restaurant_Review-g48984-d1820906-Reviews-NA_BERS_Drive_In-Bryson_City_North_Carolina.html
Barbecue Inn in Asheville Shuts Doors for Last Time After 50 Years - https://bbqjew.com/2011/07/10/barbecue-inn-in-asheville-shuts/
Road Trip Coffee - https://holyspiritmonasterygifts.com/monks-mountain-coffee-ground/
The Great Retirement - https://blog.adeccousa.com/2022-hiring-trend-great-retirement/
Asheville water problems: What happened and the numbers involved - https://wlos.com/news/local/asheville-water-problems-what-happened-and-the-numbers-involved
Teledoc - https://www.teladoc.com/start/?utm_medium=sem&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=sem_google_th_enr_us_fm_web-mobile_brand_bob_gen_ecpc_event3&utm_content=search_tdh_gen_brand-generic_text_na_na_na_na_liv-hp&utm_term=teledoc_e_12009158636_115657028803_kwd-48904327307&pk_source=google&pk_medium=sem&pk_campaign=sem_google_th_enr_us_fm_web-mobile_brand_bob_gen_ecpc_event3&gclid=CjwKCAiAqt-dBhBcEiwATw-ggJRge7ETIpA-4SJayGiV31p8XiUnueRbsG10AjIWY2rTJloTWElkPxoCg-MQAvD_BwE
Quote: Critical thinking will save your life. Use your own brain ~ A
Everything you wanted to know about WWE weapons - https://www.sportskeeda.com/wwe/everything-you-wanted-to-know-about-wwe-weapons/7
Chief Wahoo McDaniel - https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Wrestling/ChiefWahooMcDaniel
Coates Produce - https://coatesproduce.com/CornmealsGritsSoups_c_15.html
Chicken in a Biskit - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/In_a_Biskit
Hickory Farms - https://www.hickoryfarms.com/search?q=charcuterie&lang=default
Euromarket of Asheville - https://www.facebook.com/EuromarketofAsheville/about/?ref=page_internal
The Swiss Colony - https://www.swisscolony.com/
Gypsy Queen - https://gypsyqueencuisine.com/ or https://www.facebook.com/pages/Gypsy%20Queen%20Cuisine/466490740411873/
The Madness - https://www.themadnessavl.com/
Asheville is "Foodtopia" - https://www.exploreasheville.com/foodtopia/
Joyce Kilmer Memorial Forest - https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/nfsnc/recarea/?recid=48920
Random Street Views - https://randomstreetview.com/
#WyrdMountainGals #ByronBallard#Appalachia#Asheville#DigitalWitchery
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
Sunday Jul 14, 2024
071424Wyrd Mountain GalsByron's DilemmaSunday July 14 2024 7pm
The gals have a last chat before Byron's trip out of the country and Alicia asks all manner of questions about it. What train are you riding? What's your favorite pub? Why is the sky blue? The conversation moves fast, with hardly any bitching about politics...
The Scottie: https://www.thescottie.co.uk/
Uncle Roger: https://www.mrnigelng.com/
Drew Lynch: https://drewlynch.com/
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Sunday Jul 07, 2024
Wyrd Mountain Gals Show"The Longest Day And The Longest Conversation To Go With It" Part 2Episode Airs Sunday 7-7-24 7PM
In this episode (2nd of 2 parts) The gals talk about how they miss the discounts Biltmore House used to give to local residents. They talked about their old jobs there & we hear a few stories about their time working at the historic mansion and it's grounds. Then they move on to food, but not just any food......wild, old-time food.
*TRIGGER Warning There's surely something in the podcast to offend, traumatize, or just piss you off.
Quick-Release Multi Cherry Pitter - https://www.oxo.com/quick-release-multi-cherry-pitter.html
Dr. Lawrence Afrin: https://drtaniadempsey.com/lawrence-afrin/
Willie Nelson Health Concerns: https://parade.com/news/fans-concerned-willie-nelsons-health-update-concert-cancellation-jun-2024
Petrichor is the term coined by Australian scientists in 1964 to describe the unique, earthy smell associated with rain. It is caused by the water from the rain, along with certain compounds like ozone, geosmin, and plant oils. and in soil.
CAROL BURNETT - A Woman of Character ~ PBS - American Masters: https://youtu.be/MLbtZ3d9w6o?si=4HiqiRMzWHx83xUk
Asheville Gets High on Mushroom Tourism: https://www.theassemblync.com/culture/food/asheville-mushroom-tourism/
Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo
#WyrdMountainGals#ByronBallard#SummerSolstice2024#MCAS#Digital Witchery#itshot!
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Sunday Jun 30, 2024
Wyrd Mountain Gals Show"The Longest Day And The Longest Conversation To Go With It" Part 1Episode Airs Sunday 6-30-24 7PM
This episode (1st of 2 parts) finds Byron lamenting that her cucumbers are done. Done. Yep, D-O-N-E. It's all because of the infernal heat that's been in the region lately, & they go on to discuss the impact of unusual weather patterns on human behavior, with Alicia comparing the current summer rush to her busy times in the hotel industry. After that it's on to this thing, then that thing, then the other thing! Over an hour and a half of content before they finally rein it in. Here are some links from the 1st episode. We hope you enjoy!
Willie Nelson Health Concerns: https://parade.com/news/fans-concerned-willie-nelsons-health-update-concert-cancellation-jun-2024
Petrichor is the term coined by Australian scientists in 1964 to describe the unique, earthy smell associated with rain. It is caused by the water from the rain, along with certain compounds like ozone, geosmin, and plant oils. and in soil.
CAROL BURNETT - A Woman of Character ~ PBS - American Masters: https://youtu.be/MLbtZ3d9w6o?si=4HiqiRMzWHx83xUk
Asheville Gets High on Mushroom Tourism: https://www.theassemblync.com/culture/food/asheville-mushroom-tourism/
Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cw44mdee0zzo
#WyrdMountainGals#ByronBallard#SummerSolstice2024#Digital Witchery#itshot!
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
Sunday Jun 23, 2024
The Wyrd Mountain Gals Show"The Looooongest Hottest Funnest Solstice"Show Airs Sunday, 6-23-24 7pm est
Episode Length: 1:06
Byron is in heaven on earth (so to speak). She's at Wisteria-one of her favorite places. Alicia is knee-deep in her own hoopla. Their conversation covers multiple topics.
*****TRIGGER WARNING***** Lots of talk of a dreadful future ruled by robotic ai overlords..
If you are a "nervous" type of person, try this episode instead: https://www.podbean.com/ew/pb-kz84f-145123c
Eliza: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA
Wisteria: https://www.wisteria.org/
United Plant Savers: https://unitedplantsavers.org/
Root Cause Farm: https://www.rootcausefarm.org/
Here's the AI summary of our conversation. Oy....
Here's the AI Summary of our conversation. What do you think?
Casual Chat Amidst Challenges
Alicia and Byron had a casual conversation while they were working on a task together. Byron shared that she was based in Southern Ohio and was instructing Alicia on how to move some items. They also discussed the challenging Wi-Fi connection due to their locations in valleys. Despite the tough situation, Byron managed to maintain a positive attitude, which Alicia couldn't help but notice.
Foraging Experiences and Environmental Concerns
Byron and Alicia talked about their experiences with foraging and the impact of human activities on the environment. Alicia shared her childhood memory of using a walking stick to prevent snakes and other animals from attacking her while foraging. They also discussed a recent news article about a couple who moved to the countryside to start a business foraging wild ingredients for cocktails. Alicia expressed her concern about the depletion of natural resources due to over-harvesting and urged people to be more responsible in utilizing these resources. Byron agreed with Alicia's perspective and proposed to discuss it further.
Discussing AI, Land Use, and Nature
Byron and Alicia discussed various topics including their recent travels, their experiences with AI in customer service, and the importance of responsible land use. Byron shared her belief in the healing power of nature and her admiration for the United Plant Savers' efforts in preserving land for future generations. They both highlighted the negative impacts of overpopulation and the importance of respecting the natural world. Alicia and Byron also discussed some of the challenges they've encountered with AI in customer service, with Alicia expressing frustration about having to navigate AI systems to reach desired services.
Future Technology and Society Debate
Alicia and Byron discussed their differing views on the future of technology and its impact on society. Alicia expressed her initial enthusiasm for AI and robotics but later voiced concerns over its potential over-reliance and the need for improved integration. She also highlighted the importance of self-sufficiency and producing for use rather than profit. Byron, on the other hand, expressed discomfort with the increasing industrialization and large-scale agriculture, favoring traditional, more sustainable methods. Both agreed on the potential negative impact of technology on children, privacy, and the distraction from important activities.
Summer Solstice Celebrations and Family Backgrounds
Alicia and Byron discussed their plans for the summer solstice, with both deciding to organize their own celebration. They talked about the importance of this day in their culture and how it was a good opportunity to appreciate nature. Alicia shared her plans to plant seeds and honor her loved ones, while Byron mentioned a group gathering with women. They also discussed their family backgrounds, with Alicia sharing her family's storytelling tradition and Byron talking about her Southern American roots. Both reflected on the impact of technology on their communication and language, and how they have adapted to it.
Managing Human Population and Innovative Solutions
Byron and Alicia discussed the challenges of managing the growing human population. Alicia proposed mass sterilization and the creation of bio-machines as potential solutions, but both acknowledged the moral and practical difficulties with these ideas. They agreed that finding a solution would require innovative thinking. Alicia also referenced her latest book and a character in it who was similar to a species from the Twilight series, highlighting the topic's sensitivity.
Alicia and Byron's Favorite Spots and Experiences
Alicia and Byron took a break from their usual discussion topics and shared their fondest locations, including Hickory Grove and Katrina's property by the river. They highlighted the personal and sacred significance of these spots for them. They also discussed their recent experiences, emphasizing the importance of being present and enjoying the company of loved ones. Lastly, Alicia introduced a new feature on YouTube and shared an observation about a video she watched that incorrectly classified Western North Carolina as Tennessee, reflecting the potential for learning through online resources.
Alicia and Byron's Tech Talk and Camping Stories
Alicia and Byron discussed their experiences with technology, specifically YouTube and Facebook. Alicia expressed her belief that YouTube is becoming more prominent and may eventually surpass other social media platforms. They also discussed the advantages of Google's platform over Facebook, such as its capability to handle various file types and translations. The conversation then shifted to food and camping, with Byron sharing her recent experience of working at a festival with an abundance of pizza. Alicia shared her excitement about an upcoming band show and her recent sighting of a black vulture.
Band Updates and Workplace Support
Alicia announced the addition of Steve Gomez and Natalie Selby to the band, with Gomez playing keyboards and percussion and Selby on drums. Alicia also shared plans for a "porch jam" event and a family-friendly show she will be hosting. The pair also discussed future collaborations, including with Judy R.